Friday, September 28, 2007

What is a weepul?

Wiki:The weepul (also known as a weeple or wuppie) is a small, spherical and fluffy toy without limbs, with large, plastic googly eyes and comes in various different colors. Usually weepuls possess antennae and also large paper feet, which, when a plastic layer is peeled off of them, will act like a sticker.

who would have thought? Ciao!

-your worst nightmare


welllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll, Middle school is preety cool, exept for the fact that the first day is so disorganized, and that every other lunch period seems to drag on. The up side is that I have some retards that are legitamite target practice. Hehe, Hoho. Also, alot of my classes just whip by instantaniously, and I have the rest of the day to just hang out and be anti-social. Nothing special hapnin round here so I will conclude. Now. Ciao!

-Your worst nightmare

Thursday, September 27, 2007


You need to come on more often!!!! I'm on every now and then but you aren't EVER on!! You need to get on waaaaay more often! In fact, I'll remind you tomorrow at Yoga night! I'm excited! We should order pizza!! See yah buddy!